- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Ynuk Bossé

Domaine de recherche
Muscle lisse des voies respiratoires, poumons, asthme, hyperréactivité bronchique, mouvements pulmonaires lors de la respiration courante et lors d'inspirations profondes, la mécanique statique et dynamique des bronches, contraction, force, raccourcissement du muscle lisse, constriction, rétrécissement de la lumière, raideur, capacité à tolérer des stress oscillatoires, adaptation, médiateurs inflammatoires.
Description des travaux
L'asthme est un désordre pulmonaire causé par divers facteurs environnementaux déclencheurs comme les allergènes, les pathogènes ainsi que l'air froid et sec. Malgré des efforts constants, l'asthme continue d'être prévalent au Canada, touchant approximativement 8% de la population. Les symptômes de l'asthme résultent d'un rétrécissement excessif de la lumière des voies respiratoires qui est en grande partie attribué à la contraction du muscle lisse qui les entoure. Les travaux de recherche du Dr Bossé se penchent sur la contribution du muscle lisse dans la physiologie pulmonaire normale, dans les symptômes de l'asthme, ainsi que dans l'hyperréactivité bronchique. Les découvertes récentes du Dr Bossé représentent le fondement pour son établissement dans un milieu hospitalier comme l'IUCPQ. À l'aide du soutien des chercheurs-cliniciens et ayant accès à des tissus bronchiques humains, les nouvelles quêtes du Dr Bossé ne visent pas moins que de démasquer des cibles thérapeutiques ayant le potentiel d'améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes atteintes d'asthme.
Les travaux du Dr Bossé se concentrent principalement sur le caractère adaptatif du muscle lisse. Les capacités contractiles du muscle lisse peuvent changer en raison d'une dérégulation de certaines molécules ou en réponse aux stress oscillatoires qui surviennent continuellement à cause des mouvements pulmonaires requis pour la respiration. Le but est donc de comprendre comment les altérations inflammatoires et structurales retrouvées dans les poumons des patients asthmatiques modifient les capacités contractiles du muscle lisse. Une augmentation de la contractilité causée soit par la dérégulation de certaines molécules ou par des changements structuraux menant à l'incapacité de répondre aux effets bronchodilatateurs des mouvements respiratoires pourrait être à l'origine des symptômes de l'asthme. L'espoir est d'identifier des mécanismes communs qui sont responsables de l'augmentation de la contractilité du muscle lisse et pour lesquels un ciblage pourrait s'avérer salutaire dans le traitement de l'asthme.
66- Bossé Y, Rousseau E, Amrani Y, Grunstein MM.. Smooth muscle hypercontractility in airway hyperresponsiveness: innate, acquired, or nonexistent?. J Allergy (Cairo) 2013; 0(0):938046.
- Bossé Y. Asthmatic airway hyperresponsiveness: the ants in the tree.. Trends Mol Med 2012; 18(11):627-33.
- Bossé Y, Vagula MC, Rawding RS, Pun M, Black JL, Burgess J, Oliver B, Berger P, Marthan R, Adner M. Comments on Point:Counterpoint: Alterations in airway smooth muscle phenotype do/do not cause airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma.. J Appl Physiol 2012; 113(5):844-6.
- West AR , Syyong HT, Siddiqui S , Pascoe CD , Murphy TM , Maarsingh H , Deng L , Maksym GN , Bossé Y. Airway contractility and remodeling: Links to asthma symptoms.. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2013; 26(1):3-12.
- Chin LY, Bossé Y, Pascoe C, Hackett TL, Seow CY, Paré PD. Mechanical properties of asthmatic airway smooth muscle.. Eur Respir J 2012; 40(1):45-54.
- Pascoe CD, Jiao Y, Seow CY, Paré PD, Bossé Y. Force oscillations simulating breathing maneuvers do not prevent force adaptation.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2012; 47(1):44-9.
- Pascoe CD, Seow CY, Paré PD, Bossé Y. Decrease of airway smooth muscle contractility induced by simulated breathing maneuvers is not simply proportional to strain.. J Appl Physiol 2013; 114(3):335-43.
- Lee-Gosselin A, Pascoe CD, Couture C, Pare PD, Bossé Y.. Does the length-dependency of airway smooth muscle force contribute to airway hyperresponsiveness?. J Appl Physiol 2013; 115(9):1304-15.
- Bossé Y, Paré PD. The contractile properties of airway smooth muscle: How their defects can be linked to asthmatic airway hyperresponsiveness?. Curr Respir Med Rev 2013; 9(1):42-68.
- Lauzon-Joset JF, Langlois A, Lai LJ, Santerre K, Lee-Gosselin A, Bossé Y, Marsolais D, Bissonnette EY. Lung CD200R activation abrogates airway hyperresponsiveness in experimental asthma.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2015; 53(2):276-84.
- Lee-Gosselin A, Gendron D, Blanchet MR, Marsolais D, Bossé Y. The gain of smooth muscle's contractile capacity induced by tone on in vivo airway responsiveness in mice.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2015; 118(6):692-8.
- Pascoe CD, Donovan GM, Bossé Y, Seow CY, Paré PD. Bronchoprotective effect of simulated deep inspirations in tracheal smooth muscle.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2014; 117(12):1502-13.
- Chapman DG, Pascoe CD, Lee-Gosselin A, Couture C, Seow CY, Paré PD, Salome CM, King GG, Bossé Y. Smooth muscle in the maintenance of increased airway resistance elicited by methacholine in humans.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2014; 190(8):879-85.
- Bossé Y. Endocrine regulation of airway contractility is overlooked.. J Endocrinol 2014; 222(2):R61-73.
- Gendron D, Lemay AM, Tremblay C, Lai L, Langlois A, Bernatchez É, Flamand N, Blanchet MR, Don AS, Bossé Y, Bissonnette É, Marsolais D.. Treatment with a sphingosine analog after the inception of house dust mite-induced airway inflammation alleviates key features of experimental asthma.. Respir Res 2015; 16(1):7.
- Bossé Y. The presumptive physiological significance of length adaptation was heretofore compelling . . . at least for a human mind.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2015; 118(5):507-8.
- Auger L, Mailhot-Larouche S, Tremblay F, Poirier M, Farah C, Bossé Y. The contractile lability of smooth muscle in asthmatic airway hyperresponsiveness.. Expert Rev Respir Med 2016; 10(1):19-27.
- Gendron DR, Lecours PB, Lemay AM, Beaulieu MJ, Huppé CA, Lee-Gosselin A, Flamand N, Don AS, Bissonnette É, Blanchet MR, Laplante M, Bourgoin SG, Bossé Y, Marsolais D. A Phosphorylatable Sphingosine Analog Induces Airway Smooth Muscle Cytostasis and Reverses Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Experimental Asthma.. Front Pharmacol 2017; 8(0):78.
- Boulay MÈ, Henry C, Bossé Y, Boulet LP, Morissette MC. Acute effects of nicotine-free and flavour-free electronic cigarette use on lung functions in healthy and asthmatic individuals.. Respir Res 2017; 18(1):33.
- Gazzola M, Lortie K, Henry C, Mailhot-Larouche S, Chapman DG, Couture C, Seow CY, Paré PD, King GG, Boulet LP, Bossé Y. Airway smooth muscle tone increases airway responsiveness in healthy young adults.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2017; 312(3):L348-L357.
- Gazzola M, Henry C, Couture C, Marsolais D, King GG, Fredberg JJ, Bossé Y. Smooth muscle in human bronchi is disposed to resist airway distension.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2016; 229(0):51-8.
- Chang A, Bossé Y. Targeting Single Molecules in Asthma Benefits Few.. Trends Mol Med 2016; 22(11):935-945.
- Mailhot-Larouche S, Lachance M, Bullone M, Henry C, Dandurand RJ, Boulet LP, Laviolette M, King GG, Farah CS, Bossé Y. Assessment of airway distensibility by the forced oscillation technique: Reproducible and potentially simplifiable.. Front Physiol 2017; 8(0):223.
- Gazzola M, Mailhot-Larouche S, Beucher C, Bossé Y. The underlying physiological mechanisms whereby anticholinergics alleviate asthma.. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2018; 96(5):433-41.
- Mailhot-Larouche S, Lortie K, Marsolais D, Flamand N, Bossé Y. An in vitro study examining the duration between deep inspirations on the rate of renarrowing.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2017; 243(0):13-19.
- Lortie K, Maheux C, Gendron D, Langlois A, Beaulieu MJ, Marsolais D, Bossé Y, Blanchet MR. CD34 Differentially Regulates Contractile and Non-contractile Elements of Airway Reactivity.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2018; 58(1):79-88.
- Gendron DR, Lemay AM, Lecours PB, Perreault-Vallières V, Huppé CA, Bossé Y, Blanchet MR, Dion G, Marsolais D.. FTY720 promotes pulmonary fibrosis when administered during the remodelling phase following a bleomycin-induced lung injury.. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2017; 44(0):50-6.
- Mailhot-Larouche S, Deschênes L, Gazzola M, Lortie K, Henry C, Brook BS, Morissette MC, Bossé Y. Repeated airway constrictions in mice do not alter respiratory function.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2018; 124(6):1483-1490.
- Mailhot-Larouche S, Deschênes L, Lortie K, Gazzola M, Marsolais D, Brunet D, Robichaud A, Bossé Y. Assessment of Respiratory Function in Conscious Mice by Double-chamber Plethysmography.. J Vis Exp 2018; 0(137):57778.
- Talbot M, Hamel-Auger M, Beaulieu MJ, Gazzola M, Lechasseur A, Aubin S, Paré MÈ, Marsolais D, Bossé Y, Morissette MC. Impact of immunization against OxLDL on the pulmonary response to cigarette smoke exposure in mice.. Respir Res 2018; 19(1):131.
- Mailhot-Larouche S, Bossé Y. Interval between simulated deep inspirations on the dynamics of airway smooth muscle contraction in guinea pig bronchi.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2019; 259(0):136-142.
- Archambault AS, Turcotte C, Martin C, Provost V, Larose MC, Laprise C, Chakir J, Bissonnette É, Laviolette M, Bossé Y, Flamand N. Comparison of eight 15-lipoxygenase (LO) inhibitors on the biosynthesis of 15-LO metabolites by human neutrophils and eosinophils.. PLoS One 2018; 13(8):e0202424.
- Gazzola M, Khadangi F, Clisson M, Beaudoin J, Clavel MA, Bossé Y.. Shortening of airway smooth muscle is modulated by prolonging the time without simulated deep inspirations in ovine tracheal strips.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2019; 127(6):1528-1538.
- Khadangi F, Bossé Y. Extracellular regulation of airway smooth muscle contraction.. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2019; 112(0):1-7.
- Bossé Y.. The Strain on Airway Smooth Muscle During a Deep Inspiration to Total Lung Capacity.. J Eng Sci Med Diagn Ther 2019; 2(1):108021-1080221.
- Gazzola M, Henry C, Lortie K, Khadangi F, Park CY, Fredberg JJ, Bossé Y. Airway smooth muscle tone increases actin filamentogenesis and contractile capacity.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2020; 318(2):L442-L451.
- Pagé M, Maheux C, Langlois A, Brassard J, Bernatchez É, Martineau S, Henry C, Beaulieu MJ, Bossé Y, Morissette MC, Debigaré R, Blanchet MR. CD34 regulates the skeletal muscle response to hypoxia.. J Muscle Res Cell Motil 2019; 40(3):309-318.
- Lundblad LKA, Siddiqui S, Bossé Y, Dandurand RJ.. Applications of oscillometry in clinical research and practice. Can J Respir Crit Care Sleep Med 2021; 5(1):54-68.
- Bossé Y, Boulet LP. Is asthma only an airways disorder?. Respirology 2020; 25(6):568-569.
- Gazzola M, Khadangi F, Clisson M, Beaudoin J, Clavel MA, Bossé Y.. Airway smooth muscle adapting in dynamic conditions is refractory to the bronchodilator effect of a deep inspiration.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2020; 318(2):L452-L458.
- Bossé Y, Côté A. Asthma: An Untoward Consequence of Endurance Sports?. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2020; 63(1):7-8.
- Boucher M, Henry C, Khadangi F, Dufour-Mailhot A, Bossé Y.. Double-chamber plethysmography versus oscillometry to detect baseline airflow obstruction in a model of asthma in two mouse strains.. Exp Lung Res 2021; 47(8):390-401.
- Gazzola M, Flamand N, Bossé Y.. La contractilité du muscle lisse des voies respiratoires est régulée par de nombreuses molécules extracellulaires qui pourraient contribuer à l'hyperréactivité bronchique [Extracellular molecules controlling the contraction of airway smooth muscle and their potential contribution to bronchial hyperresponsiveness].. Rev Mal Respir 2020; 34(0):462-473.
- Dufour-Mailhot A, Boucher M, Henry C, Khadangi F, Tremblay-Pitre S, Clisson M, Beaudoin J, Clavel MA, Bossé Y. Flexibility of microstructural adaptations in airway smooth muscle.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2021; 130(5):1555-1561.
- Khadangi F, Forgues AS, Tremblay-Pitre S, Dufour-Mailhot A, Henry C, Boucher M, Beaulieu MJ, Morissette M, Fereydoonzad L, Brunet D, Robichaud A, Bossé Y. Intranasal versus intratracheal exposure to lipopolysaccharides in a murine model of acute respiratory distress syndrome.. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):7777.
- Boucher M, Henry C, Dufour-Mailhot A, Khadangi F, Bossé Y. Smooth Muscle Hypocontractility and Airway Normoresponsiveness in a Mouse Model of Pulmonary Allergic Inflammation.. Front Physiol 2021; 12(0):698019.
- Boucher M, Henry C, Khadangi F, Dufour-Mailhot A, Tremblay-Pitre S, Fereydoonzad L, Brunet D, Robichaud A, Bossé Y. Effects of airway smooth muscle contraction and inflammation on lung tissue compliance.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2022; 322(2):L294-L304.
- Ganouna-Cohen G, Khadangi F, Marcouiller F, Bossé Y, Joseph V. Additive effects of orchiectomy and intermittent hypoxia on lung mechanics and inflammation in C57BL/6J male mice.. Exp Physiol 2022; 107(1):68-81.
- Bossé Y.. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Small airways vs. large airways in asthma: time for a new perspective.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2021; 131(6):1842-1848.
- Bossé Y.. Smooth muscle in abnormal airways.. Curr Opin Physiol 2021; 21(0):1-8.
- Bossé Y. Understanding the fundamentals of oscillometry from a strip of lung tissue.. Front Physiol 2022; 13(0):978332.
- Sallé-Lefort S, Miard S, Henry C, Arias-Reyes C, Marcouiller F, Beaulieu MJ, Aubin S, Lechasseur A, Jubinville É, Marsolais D, Morissette MC, Joseph V, Soliz J, Bossé Y, Picard F. Malat1 deficiency prevents hypoxia-induced lung dysfunction by protecting the access to alveoli.. Front Physiol 2022; 13(0):949378.
- Boucher M, Dufour-Mailhot A, Tremblay-Pitre S, Khadangi F, Rojas-Ruiz A, Henry C, Bossé Y. In mice of both sexes, repeated contractions of smooth muscle in vivo greatly enhance the response of peripheral airways to methacholine.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2022; 304(0):103938.
- Khadangi F, Tremblay-Pitre S, Dufour-Mailhot A, Rojas-Ruiz A, Boucher M, Henry C, Fereydoonzad L, Brunet D, Robichaud A, Bossé Y. Sensitive physiological readouts to evaluate countermeasures for lipopolysaccharide-induced lung alterations in mice.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2022; 323(1):L107-L120.
- Henry C, Boucher M, Boulay MÈ, Côté A, Boulet LP, Bossé Y. The cumulative effect of methacholine on large and small airways when deep inspirations are avoided.. Respirology 2023; 28(3):226-235.
- Boucher M, Henry C, Bossé Y. Force adaptation through the intravenous route in naïve mice.. Exp Lung Res 2023; 49(1):131-141.
- Henry C, Biardel S, Boucher M, Godbout K, Chakir J, Côté A, Laviolette M, Bossé Y. Bronchial thermoplasty attenuates bronchodilator responsiveness.. Respir Med 2023; 217(0):107340.
- Gagnon PA, Côté A, Klein M, Biardel S, Laviolette M, Godbout K, Bossé Y, Chakir J. The reduction of airway smooth muscle by bronchial thermoplasty stands the test of time.. ERJ Open Res 2023; 9(4):00024-2023.
- Gill R, Rojas-Ruiz A, Boucher M, Henry C, Bossé Y. More airway smooth muscle in males versus females in a mouse model of asthma: A blessing in disguise?. Exp Physiol 2023; 108(8):1080-1091.
- Rojas-Ruiz A, Boucher M, Gill R, Gélinas L, Tom FQ, Fereydoonzad L, Graham P, Soliz J, Bossé Y. Lung stiffness of C57BL/6 versus BALB/c mice.. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1):17481.
- Gill R, Boucher M, Henry C, Bossé Y. A Quick Method to Assess Airway Distensibility in Mice.. Ann Biomed Eng 2024; 52(8):2193-2202.
- Gélinas L, Rojas-Ruiz A, Boucher M, Henry C, Bossé Y. Sensitivity of the airway smooth muscle in terms of force, shortening and stiffness.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2024; 325(0):104264.
- Bossé Y. The airway smooth muscle and the pipe dream of better bronchodilators.. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Boucher M, Henry C, Gélinas L, Packwood R, Rojas-Ruiz A, Fereydoonzad L, Graham P, Bossé Y. High throughput screening of airway constriction in mouse lung slices.. Sci Rep 2024; 14(1):20133.
- Rojas-Ruiz A, Boucher M, Henry C, Packwood R, Soliz J, Bossé Y. Lung Volumes in a Mouse Model of Pulmonary Allergic Inflammation.. Lung 2024; 202(5):637-647.
- Bossé Y. The airway smooth muscle and the pipe dream of better bronchodilators.. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2025; 103(1):2-11.