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- Dr Maxime Laflamme
13- Laflamme M, Perrault LP, Carrier M, Elmi-Sarabi M, Fortier A, Denault AY. Preliminary experience with combined inhaled milrinone and prostacyclin in cardiac surgical patients with pulmonary hypertension.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2015; 29(1):38-45.
- Gavra P, Laflamme M, Denault AY, Théôret Y, Perrault LP, Varin F. Use of nebulized milrinone in cardiac surgery; comparison of vibrating mesh and simple jet nebulizers.. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2017; 46(0):20-9.
- Fortin J, Vaillancourt R, Vigneault L, Laflamme M, Simon M, Bussières JS. Unusual Cause of Life-Threatening Hemoptysis During Cardiac Operation: Surgical Management Revisited.. Ann Thorac Surg 2017; 104(3):e251-e252.
- Lafrenière-Bessi V, Cameron-Gagné M, Perron J, Lévesque MH, Laflamme M, Charbonneau É, Mohammadi S, Jacques F. Mitral Annular Calcification and Mitral Valve Replacement: A New Approach.. Ann Thorac Surg 2018; 105(2):e55-e57.
- Cameron-Gagné M, Bédard L, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Lévesque MH, Dagenais F, Langevin S, Laflamme M, Voisine P, Jacques F. Buttocks Hard as Rocks: Not Wanted after Aortic Dissection Repair.. Aorta (Stamford) 2018; 6(1):37-40.
- Belzile D, Cinq-Mars A, Bernier M, Leblanc MH, Bourgault C, Morin J, Laflamme M, Charbonneau É, Sénéchal M. Do Energy Drinks Really Give You Wings? Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy as a Bridge to Recovery for an Energy Drink-Induced Cardiomyopathy.. Can J Cardiol 2020; 36(2):317.e1-3.
- Bergeron N, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Laflamme M, Philippon F, Jacques F. Concurrent Epicardial Cardiac Resynchronization at Time of Complicated Biventricular Device Extraction: A Potentially Life-Saving Option.. Can J Cardiol 2019; 35(6):796.e13-796.e16.
- Chaud GJ, Perron J, Pagé S, Laflamme M, Côté JM, Jacques F. An autopsy view of the Hemi-commando procedure.. J Card Surg 2021; 36(2):701-702.
- Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Leblanc E, Massot M, Bourgault C, Morin J, Dupuis C, Bilodeau M, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Trahan S, Pagé S, Joubert P, Couture C, Sénéchal M. Non-invasive diagnostic imaging tests largely underdiagnose cardiac cirrhosis in patients undergoing advanced therapy evaluation: How can we identify the high-risk patient?. Clin Transplant 2021; 35(6):e14277.
- Gammie JS, Chu MWA, Falk V, Overbey JR, Moskowitz AJ, Gillinov M, Mack MJ, Voisine P, Krane M, Yerokun B, Bowdish ME, Conradi L, Bolling SF, Miller MA, Taddei-Peters WC, Jeffries NO, Parides MK, Weisel R, Jessup M, Rose EA, Mullen JC, Raymond S, Moquete EG, O'Sullivan K, Marks ME, Iribarne A, Beyersdorf F, Borger MA, Geirsson A, Bagiella E, Hung J, Gelijns AC, O'Gara PT, Ailawadi G; CTSN Investigators (Dagenais F, Charbonneau E, Doyle D, Dumont E, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Perron J, Beaudoin J, Laflamme M, Malas T et Bernier M parmi les collaborateurs).. Concomitant Tricuspid Repair in Patients with Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation.. N Engl J Med 2022; 386(4):327-339.
- Cinq-Mars A, Massot M, Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Dubois-Sénéchal SM, Laliberté C, Komlosy MÈ, Leblanc MH, Bergeron S, O'Connor K, Morin J, Bourgault C, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Radermaker S, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Sénéchal M. Heavy Burden of Toxic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Among Young Adults: A Retrospective Study and Review of the Literature.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(1):49-58.
- Mazer CD, Siadati-Fini N, Boehm J, Wirth F, Myjavec A, Brown CD, Koyner JL, Boening A, Engelman DT, Larsson TE, Renfurm R, de Varennes B, Noiseux N, Thielmann M, Lamy A, Laflamme M, von Groote T, Ronco C, Zarbock A. Study protocol of a phase 2, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, adaptive, parallel group clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of recombinant alpha-1-microglobulin in subjects at high risk for acute kidney injury following open-chest cardiac surgery (AKITA trial).. BMJ Open 2023; 13(4):e068363.
- Dognin N, Rimac G, Domain G, Cinq-Mars A, Massot M, Turgeon PY, Dubois-Sénéchal SM, Bourgault C, Morin J, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Strubé C, Voisine P, Philippon F, Belzile D, Sénéchal M. Survival, ventricular arrhythmia, and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator usefulness in toxic cardiomyopathy due to substance abuse.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2023; 46(7):645-656.