- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dre Annie Lajoie
Domaine de recherche
Anomalies respiratoires du sommeil
Description des travaux
Dre Lajoie est pneumologue à l'IUCPQ. Ses travaux de recherche se penchent sur les conséquences des maladies respiratoires du sommeil sur le système cardiovasculaire et les fonctions cognitives, notamment chez les populations vieillissantes et chez la femme.
Prix et distinctions
3- Bourses : 2020-2022 - Bourse de recherche de l’Academic Sleep Pulmonary Integrate Research/Clinical Fellowship (ASPIRE) de l’American Thoracic Society 2020-2021 - Bourse McLaughlin du Doyen (Université Laval) 2019-2020 - Bourse McLaughlin du Doyen (Université Laval)
- Prix et distinction en recherche : 2021 - Best abstract scholarship - Assembly on Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology de l’American Thoracic Society 2019 - CSCI Resident Research Prize de la Société Canadienne de Recherche Clinique
12- Kermelly SB, Lajoie AC, Boucher ME, Sériès F. Impact of continuous positive airway pressure mode on adherence to treatment in obstructive sleep apnea patients awaiting bariatric surgery.. J Sleep Res 2021; 0(0):e13288.
- Lajoie AC, Privé A, Roy-Hallé A, Pagé D, Simard S, Séries F. Diagnosis and management of sleep apnea by a clinical nurse: a non-inferiority randomized clinical trial.. J Clin Sleep Med 2022; 18(1):89-97.
- Lajoie AC, Potus F. Sirtuin 3 and Uncouplin Protein 2, the Missing Link Between Genetics, Metabolism, and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.. J Am Heart Assoc 2021; 0(0):e023065.
- Lajoie AC, Lafontaine AL, Leonard G, Kimoff RJ, Benedetti A, Robinson AR, Crane J, Létourneau M, Kaminska M.. Cognition and obstructive sleep apnoea in Parkinsons disease, effect of positive airway pressure therapy (COPE-PAP trial): protocol of a randomized controlled trial.. Int J Clin Trials 2021; 8(1):35-42.
- Lajoie AC, Kaminska M.. Cognitive profiles in obstructive sleep apnea and their relationship with intermittent hypoxemia and sleep fragmentation.. J Clin Sleep Med 2021; 17(2):337.
- Lajoie AC, Lafontaine AL, Kaminska M.. The Spectrum of Sleep Disorders in Parkinson Disease: A Review.. Chest 2021; 159(2):818-827.
- Jutras-Beaudoin N, Toro V, Lajoie AC, Breuils-Bonnet S, Paulin R, Potus F. Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as an Independent Predictor of Survival in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: An Exploratory Study.. CJC Open 2022; 4(4):357-363.
- Tremblay É, Gosselin C, Mai V, Lajoie AC, Kilo R, Weatherald J, Lacasse Y, Bonnet S, Lega JC, Provencher S. Assessment of Clinical Worsening End Points as a Surrogate for Mortality in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.. Circulation 2022; 146(8):597-612.
- Lajoie AC, Kaminska M.. Use of Positive Airway Pressure in the Treatment of Hypoventilation.. Sleep Med Clin 2022; 17(4):577-586.
- Yu J, Morys F, Dagher A, Lajoie A, Gomes T, Ock EY, Kimoff RJ, Kaminska M.. Associations between sleep-related symptoms, obesity, cardiometabolic conditions, brain structural alterations and cognition in the UK biobank.. Sleep Med 2023; 103(0):41-50.
- Mai V, Gosselin C, Tremblay É, Rompré G, Lajoie AC, Weatherald J, Lega JC, Bonnet S, Provencher S. Patients' perceptions on clinical trials outcomes in pulmonary arterial hypertension therapy.. Thorax 2023; 78(7):721-725.
- Lajoie AC, Gu Y, Lim A, Benedetti A, Kaminska M.. Adherence to continuous positive airway pressure for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in neurodegenerative diseases: A systematic review.. Sleep Med Rev 2023; 71(0):101836.