- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Sylvain Iceta
Domaine de recherche
Obésité, santé mentale et chirurgie bariatrique
Description des travaux
Thème 1 : Mieux comprendre les mécanismes en jeu dans les interactions entre le tissu adipeux, l'insulinorésistance, et les contrôles hédoniques (système de la récompense) et cognitifs (ex., attention, et fonctions exécutives) de la prise alimentaire, pour mieux soigner.
Thème 2 : Explorer les facteurs psychologiques et psychiatriques déterminants dans les complications, les reprises de poids ou excès de perte de poids (anorexie) après une chirurgie bariatrique.
Thème 3 : Contribuer à développer une médecine bariatrique personnalisée et ciblée par une approche prédictive innovante reposant sur une approche transversale et intégrative et l'utilisation des techniques d'apprentissage machine.
22- Ostinelli G, Scovronec A, Iceta S, Ouellette AS, Lemieux S, Biertho L, Bégin C, Michaud A, Tchernof A. Deciphering the Association Between Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity and Obesity: A Meta-Analysis.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2021; 29(5):846-858.
- Iceta S, Rodrigue C, Legendre M, Daoust J, Flaudias V, Michaud A, Bégin C. Cognitive function in binge eating disorder and food addiction: A systematic review and three-level meta-analysis.. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2021; 111(0):110400.
- Zeighami Y, Iceta S, Dadar M, Pelletier M, Nadeau M, Biertho L, Lafortune-Payette A, Tchernof A, Fulton S, Evans A, Richard D, Dagher A, Michaud A. Spontaneous neural activity changes after bariatric surgery: A resting-state fMRI study.. Neuroimage 2021; 241(0):118419.
- Iceta S, Panahi S, García-García I, Michaud A. The Impact of Restrictive and Non-restrictive Dietary Weight Loss Interventions on Neurobehavioral Factors Related to Body Weight Control: the Gaps and Challenges.. Curr Obes Rep 2021; 10(3):385-395.
- Guyot E, Dougkas A, Nazare JA, Bagot S, Disse E, Iceta S. A systematic review and meta-analyses of food preference modifications after bariatric surgery.. Obes Rev 2021; 22(10):e13315.
- Legault M, Leblanc V, Marchand GB, Iceta S, Drolet-Labelle V, Lemieux S, Lamarche B, Michaud A. Evaluation of Dietary Assessment Tools Used in Bariatric Population.. Nutrients 2021; 13(7):2250.
- Guyot E, Dougkas A, Robert M, Nazare JA, Iceta S, Disse E. Food Preferences and Their Perceived Changes Before and After Bariatric Surgery: a Cross-sectional Study.. Obes Surg 2021; 31(7):3075-3082.
- Denneval A, Chalumeau C, Iceta S, Pelascini E, Disse E, Robert M. Revision of Mason's procedure (vertical banded gastroplasty) to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: role of an associated fundectomy in weight loss outcomes.. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2021; 17(5):870-877.
- Iceta S, Tardieu S, Nazare JA, Dougkas A, Robert M, Disse E. An artificial intelligence-derived tool proposal to ease disordered eating screening in people with obesity.. Eat Weight Disord 2021; 26(7):2381-2385.
- Lunel T, Iceta S, Pasquer A, Pelascini E, Perinel J, Poncet G, Disse E, Robert M. Third bariatric procedure for insufficient weight loss or weight regain: how far should we go?. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2021; 17(1):96-103.
- Iceta S, Dadar M, Daoust J, Scovronec A, Leblanc V, Pelletier M, Biertho L, Tchernof A, Bégin C, Michaud A.. Association between Visceral Adiposity Index, Binge Eating Behavior, and Grey Matter Density in Caudal Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Severe Obesity.. Brain Sci 2021; 11(9):1158.
- Iceta S, Disse E, Robert M, Laville M. [Psychiatric disorders and bariatric surgery].. Rev Prat 2022; 72(2):179-184.
- Guyot E, Nazare JA, Oustric P, Robert M, Disse E, Dougkas A, Iceta S. Food Reward after Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss Outcomes: An Exploratory Study.. Nutrients 2022; 14(3):449.
- Scovronec A, Provencher A, Iceta S, Pelletier M, Leblanc V, Nadeau M, Simard S, Biertho L, Richard D, Tchernof A, Michaud A. Neck circumference is a better correlate of insulin resistance markers than other standard anthropometric indices in patients presenting severe obesity.. Obes Res Clin Pract 2022; 16(4):307-313.
- Lakritz C, Tournayre L, Ouellet M, Iceta S, Duriez P, Masetti V, Lafraire J. Sinful Foods: Measuring Implicit Associations Between Food Categories and Moral Attributes in Anorexic, Orthorexic, and Healthy Subjects.. Front Nutr 2022; 9(0):884003.
- Iceta S, Guillaume S, Bronnec M.. Recommandations et grands principes thérapeutiques dans les troubles du comportement alimentaire.. Alcoologie et Addictologie 2022; 0(0):Sous-presse.
- Iceta S, Sohier L, Bégin C, Brazeau AS, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Gagnon C. Impact of glycemic variability on cognitive impairment, disordered eating behaviors and self-management skills in patients with type 1 diabetes: study protocol for a cross-sectional online study, the Sugar Swing study.. BMC Endocr Disord 2022; 22(1):283.
- South C, Talbo M, Roy-Fleming A, Peters T, Nielsen D, Iceta S, Brazeau AS. Does insulin delivery technology change our relationship with foods? A scoping review.. Diabetes Technol Ther 2023; 0(0):Epub.
- Albaladejo L, Périnet-Marquet P, Buis C, Lablanche S, Iceta S, Arnol N, Logerot S, Borel JC, Bétry C. High prevalence with no gender difference of likely eating disorders in type 1 mellitus diabetes on insulin pump.. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2023; 199(0):110630.
- Monthuy-Blanc J, Faghihi U, Fardshad MNG, Corno G, Iceta S, St-Pierre MJ, Bouchard S. When Eating Intuitively Is Not Always a Positive Response: Using Machine Learning to Better Unravel Eaters Profiles.. J Clin Med 2023; 12(16):5172.
- Lakritz C, Iceta S, Duriez P, Makdassi M, Masetti V, Davidenko O, Lafraire J. Measuring implicit associations between food and body stimuli in anorexia nervosa: a Go/No-Go Association Task.. Eat Weight Disord 2023; 28(1):93.
- Nourredine M, Jurek L, Auffret M, Iceta S, Grenet G, Kassai B, Cucherat M, Rolland B.. Efficacy and safety of topiramate in binge eating disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. CNS Spectr 2021; 26(5):459-467.